There once was a prince In a not so far away land. He was a fair boy Always right and just He cared for the world, And his dearest friends. But he was also oblivious To the treasure He had in his kingdom.
He would search far For beautiful flowers, That grew in his garden. He had purple, Pink Red Yellow And Orange flowers, But all he wanted Was the rare white flower;
Every morning, He would walk to his garden. He watered each individual flower, Yet he never saw, That the perfect flower Was growing right there In his kingdom In front of his very eyes. Hidden behind the colorful Beaming flowers Grew white flower, Exactly what he was longing for.
Someday The prince will realize The white flower Directly in front of him. It bloomed each and every spring, With the sight of his eyes. Changing Morphing Growing As it hears him laugh; Dying every autumn, When another flower, Takes its spot.
Little does the prince know, The white flower's petals, Fell for him.