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Jul 2010
You though your-self
very clever I reckon
when you
informed the police.

But you made a mistake
if you though I dident see you.

Now I known
you know me
and I see your little game,
and I mean to finish you
and send
your ears to your wife
if you show this to the police
or help them
if you do

I will finish you.

It no use your trying to get out of my way.

Because I have you
when you dont expect it
and I keep my word
as you soon see and
rip you up.

Yours truly

Jack the Ripper.

PS You see I know your address
The letters of Jack The Ripper set to poetic formation. Part the 4th
With appreciation to Casebook: Jack The Ripper, the largest public repository of Ripper-related information.
D. Conors
12 July 2010
Written by
D Conors
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