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Oct 2021
Gen. 3:9 "And the Lord God called unto Adam and said, "Where
ae\rt thou?"  
Where are you, Adam? Where are you hiding? (JH Para.)

Did God really not know where Adam & Eve were? Where
they were hiding?

Of course He did. He is God and knows all things. In theological
laguage, God is omniscient, there is nothing or no one He does not know.

When Cain killed his brother Abel, God ask him "Where is thy brother Abel? What hast thou done?"

Again, did God not know the whereabouts of Abel? Did God not know that Cain had killed him and buried him in the ground?
Of couse He did, just like He knew where Elijah was hiding and the
exact cave he was in (I Kng. 19: 13) and several other illustrations
showing that you can not play Hide and Seek with God.

Dear reader, God knows all about you; where you are, what you are doing, with whom you are hanging out, what plans you are making.
and God know all about the trials and set-backs anddisappoinments
in your life; He not only knows all about them, He also cares for you

My Sunshine wrote a little chores based on I Pet. 5:7 "Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares foryou." She wrote,"Cast all your care upon Him, cast all your cares upon Him; for He cares for you in everything you do, so cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you."  
               From Jerry Howath's Book of Devotions
Written by
Jerry Howarth  Topeka, Ks.
(Topeka, Ks.)   
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