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Oct 2021
"What happened to Isaiah?"
"He was killed by a bunch of wild pigs"
"In fact, there were several others that were
injured by them."
"Really! What happened? Why were those pigs....?"
"Why were they running wild?"
Remember that crazy man that lived up there
in the cemetery?"
"Oh you mean that old demean possessed man? I
heard that he had been chained down and he just
snapped them apart like breaking a small twig."
"Yeah, that's the man. Well this man called Jesus, went
up and talked to him for a minute or so, found out his
name was Legien or  something like that and than in
a real adhortative voice demanded that those demeans
come out of him, but at first they didn't want to, but then
ask that Jesus man to put them into all those pigs, and that's
what made them so wild."
"Yeah and I heard there were hundreds of them, maybe thousands of them, and when those demeans went into them
they ran like crazy down the hill, ran over some people, killed
ol' Isaiah  and injured a bunch of others and ran right into
the sea and drowned because pigs can't swim."
                             SPIRITUAL APPLICATION
There are several spiritual applications contained within this acct of Jesus casting out the demons from this man.

1.When Jesus first encountered the demon possessed man,
the demons cried out through the mouth of him, recognizing
Jesus as "The Son of God, most high" (Lk.8:28)  That shows
more reverence for Jesus than many do today.

2.They feared Him, knowing they were defenseless against him, ("I beseech thee (I beg of you) torment me not." Vs. 28) once again showing more fear for the power of God than many today.

3.No man could tame him; nor can man by himself, change
his sinfulness - Rom. 3:10 We are saved from the consequence's of sin, not by our works of goodness, but by the power ad grace of God.

4. In bookof Matt. the demons said "Torment me not "before the time". Rev. 20:10 tells about a time that Satan and all his co-harts will be cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented day and night for ever and ever. This is also true of all who died unsaved, unbelieving in Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Vs. 15 "And whosoever was not found in the Book of Life were cast into the Lake of fire."

5. He lived among the dead. Dear readers, all of us before we believed in Jesus Christ as our sin-bearer and Savior, we  were "dead in trespasses and sin"- Eph.2:1 "You were dead in trespasses and sin"
   a. I have a preacher friend who would say when I greeted him -
     "How are you today?" He would say, "Well I'm still living among
       the dead."  As opposed to, living among the living in Heaven.
   b. The majority of humanity, are dead in sin, just a heart beat away
       from a tomb in a cemetery. At the same time, all men. women
       and young people are just a prayer away from a mansion
       in Heaven.
  c "Dear God, please be merciful to me a sinner  and save me for
       Jesus sake.
6. He was naked, "He wore no clothes" Matt. 8:27
   a. In the Bible, nakedness is synonymous with sinfulness. Adam &
       Eve had no awareness of being naked until after they had
      disobeyed God's commandment about the tree of good and evil.
    b. Ex. 22 is the record of the Israelites dancing and partying
    c. Lam. 4:21 associates Associates drunkenness's with nakedness -
    d. I'm just showing how nakedness and sin walks hand in hand.
    e. Nakedness and righteousness doesn't grow on the same tree
       or in the same garden.
. 7. After the demons were commanded to leave the man's body and
     mind, they requested to be cast into a herd of swine Mark 8:32-33
     which Jesus graciously permitted.
   a. Two questions often ask,
        1. Why did the demons want to enter into the swine?
        2. Why did Jesus grant their request?
   b. Question #1. They preferred to be cast into the swine rather than
       into the "deep" i.e. the Lake of Fire, Rev. 20:10, 14-15.  
  c. Question #2 Because God is gracious and sometimes does
      answer the prayers of the unsaved.  
    (1a.) Cain -Gen. 4:13-14
    (2a.) Hagar-Gen. 16:8-13
    (3a.) Personal testimonies of unsaved.  
8. The man desired to be with Jesus, which would be a  natural
    desire after being freed from demonic control, but Jesus exhorted
    him to go to his family and tell them what great miracle Jesus
    had performed.
a. He not only told his family, but told the entire city. He did what
     Jesus last commandment was to all believers, just before His
     ascension -"Go into the world and preach the Gospel to every

He was naked -
He was clothed was quiet
He desired to follow Jesus
Jesus told him to tell others
Written by
Jerry Howarth  Topeka, Ks.
(Topeka, Ks.)   
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