I want to always sleep beneath the weight Of your soul. I want to never have the knowledge of being naked. I want to run without breathing.
I want to greet the sea and the sea’s mother, Space. I want a mouth full of mountain wind.
I want you to feel that i am just as beautiful and fleeting. If the wind has the advantage of existing through everything and with nothing, I want to step across fall leaves and not make a sound.
I want to welcome you home, without you feeling the strangeness of my presence. I want to exist with you
And when apart miss you. I want to lose myself In low-hanging and unmoving fog. I want to lose My physical form and have you never miss it.
I want to be the smoke in the fog. I want to lose my vessel
With infinite possibility of folding in And with infinite possibility of expanding out. I want the freedom of infinite and invisible of movement.
I want my nerves to enclose around you. I want to feel every inch of you. And I want you to be oblivious to my touch.
I want to be the moon you see in the pitch of night. I want to be the crescent and the whole. I want to be your everything and nothing.
I want to be the stillness in a clear pool of water, But not the mirror. I do not want to have an image. I do not want to be the tree. I do not want to be the book or the fading picture. I want to be the roots from which they came.
In our next life I want to be bygone air, inhaled and shaped in your lungs.
Greatly inspired by Terrance Hayes's Wind in a Box