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Sep 2021
You burst in while I was doing my homework,
So we went down,
Into an empty house,
We were the ghosts,
The green on the walls, newly painted,
Badly painted you said,
You know these things.
Telling me I was drifting away,
Picking open a cornflower with your stubby fingernails,
The blue body parts falling reluctantly,
As we sat cross-legged,
The grass stalks,
Bending towards us,
A green ocean,
And you, pulling it apart,
The sky is grey and uneasy,
Soon it will cry on us,
Its sadness on our shoulders,
And you laughing at me,
"you are my favourite person too" you said.
Strawberry Pilgrim
Written by
Strawberry Pilgrim  121/in space somewhere
(121/in space somewhere)   
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