You are more than numbers You are so much more than numbers Numbers are insignificant And only pertain to algorithms that predict unfortunate things Like death And I’m sorry I forgot your birthday But it’s just numbers and numbers aren't important to me I remembered your favorite color Blue Because it is the color that describes that clichéd, shallow melancholy Authors often glorify to make petty things seem magical But blue is something you should never feel because you go so much deeper than that pettty feeling And I know your favorite flower is the sweet pea Because I remember that it symbolizes the shyness I’ve never felt around you And the shyness I’ve never seen you exhibit And I’m sorry I’m so quiet It’s only because I want to tell you how beautiful you are But I know I’ll never be able to find just the right words to tell you That you’re imperfections perfected And I love all the things you say you hate about yourself And I love the way words sound on your lips And how you throw your head forward when you laugh And you’re all the poems I've ever written Even the sad ones Because you’re all the feelings I've ever felt And I love the way your hand feels in mine And I’m sorry I forgot your birthday But I promise I always will Because I have more important things to remember about you Than numbers