To the ones who have a brain And know how to use it. But when a passion kicks in They seem to lose it.
To those who are smarter than that. Those of us who know better, But don't do better. Blinded by passion.
Those of us whose brains keep tapping us on the shoulder As we wildly run after our hearts. Knowing the heartache we're running towards And powerless to stop it.
Here's to the ones who can converse about The origins of the universe, time theory, and physics. Who can't string two words together When all they can think about is touching who they are talking to.
"Oh... the power and the passion" Oh the power in the passion. The power to sweep you away regardless. The power to take over the body and mind.
"Where the heart leads, the mind will follow" Perhaps begging the heart to rethink (Oh foolish mind). Where the heart leads, I will follow. Oh foolish, intelligent, me.