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Aug 2013
he looks at me as if
he's never seen anything quite so wondrous
as if he doesn't know what to do with himself
he tells me my eyes are full of stars           and that my smile is a galaxy
my head is full of comets and i've never met anyone
that my soul already knew
it walked from my body and embraced you as if we had been lovers for a long time
your bright body is a sunrise melting into mine
i can't hold you any more precious than the feel of your skin under my fingertips
or your chest breathing into mine          we are one idea
you are half my soul
already i have stopped missing you because
now that we have looked into our eyes and seen these reflections,
how could you lose your own body? the heavens are in our faces;
the sun and moon may be distant but light
travels so fast that there are no light-years between us;
your luminous skin touching mine
is only ever ten minutes away.
Frankie T
Written by
Frankie T  Barcelona
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