I always hung out with the weird kids ever since kindergarten. I was bullied because I didn't want to be popular. Anytime a popular kid wanted to put me into their ranks I got anxious and returned to my weird friends because my weird friends treated me as their equal. The popular kids treated me like an outcast. I didn't understand what it was like to be cool. I grew up going to the doctor frequently because I was a special needs kid. I had speech problems, I was shy, I wasn't physically strong because I had a limp since my knees used to be sensitive. I grew physically stronger throughout the years because of my physical therapy, my speech teacher helped me stop slurring my words so I could articulate my words with lots of effort, my reading tutors throughout the years helped me become the avid reader that I am today and my counselors throughout the years helped become emotionally intelligent. Being Weird is an Honor because no matter the stigma it's about quality not quantity.