My Work Best Friend makes me the most joyful and peaceful person ever. Whenever she compliments me my heart warms up and I feel vulnerable in a good way. I trust her and she trusts me. We are close to each other. Whenever she calls me the best pizza maker in the world I just smile and glance her way. Everything just feels natural and right whenever I am around my Work Best Friend. I don't have to be stoic around her. I don't have to be someone that I am not and something that I am not. She just understands me in a way that I haven't experienced in 6 years since I loss The Girl with Grayish Blue Eyes. I respect her in a way that she knows that she is valuable to me. She is my equal in wit and in charm therefore she is worthy of title of being my best friend. Very few people in my life make me joyful and peaceful yet I don't mind. To be insane is to be observant.