If I ever need to describe a *****, in words. In detail. I know where to draw inspiration from. I know exactly where to find it. The spite, I think. You draw it out, a long spindle of malice you stab with. Superiority, you know nothing of the struggles around you, wrapped up in whatever News article of drama starts circulating in your head and then you Write your own letters to the editor. Setting it straight, your side where you play the victim and you are misused and you are abused, Without consideration to actual reality. You, sicken me. A secret? Let me paint it over buildings in the dead of night so in the morning, you must Hide your face. Hide. It. Now. Let it be known that if ever In any book I write a character, a character with all the right environment. Someone who picks evil, someone who picks the darker road. They will have a trace of you in the very middle, a seed That when they blossom will have spawned from my conceptual image Of your very core.