They lie there, Still, Never moving. Nothing is said from either side, And even though the world, Stops, The silence is so loud. So many conversations are taking place, Theirs, their peers, and so many judgements. Questions arraise and fear sets in, The "what if's?", The "What to do's?", The "Hows?" and the "Whys?" Especially the "What will happen's?" All fill the one room and the bed they share. They don't stray from each other, Because they know that now they only can depend on one another. When the silence breaks. The only words spoken, "I'm sorry", Then "I love you", And finally "Are you going to leave me?" So many possible options and back up plans The tears begin and the seriousness insues. They're both equally at fault, Both needing more than they have. And for some reason and no reason at all, The love is enough. It makes the fear and the judgements seem elementary. Love sheds light and a whole new situation, Not an issue but the love of a new perspective. Family, One of their own. But are they ready? No one thinks so. Too soon, too young Naiive and dumb. But who are people to judge what they don't understand. It's love not lust, It's a whole new plan.