You never realize how fast something can change, And in a split second Your whole world goes up in flames It burns every bridge you built on your own Then all you have is third degree scortch marks When it's all said and done you just set everything you worked for Ablaze,
You caused your own down fall All due to some arbitrary mistake As hard as you try to smother the fire Soon enough it engulfs you You're traped with no where to go, No emergency escape, So how do you survive? How do you breathe through the smoke? You don't, You adapt and deal, accepting your fate, Accepting that you might die, That you'll be reduced to ashes.
But it's the hope that the conflagration dies out first. It's the natural desire to want to make yourself survive. After all the hard work you put into building what you have, It wasn't for nothing, Just give yourself a fighting chance, Become your own savior. Create a phoenix inside you and rise from your demise. Rebuild what you lost in the holocaust, Make your mistake your new paradise.
Most importantly, Don't ever forget that life doesn't give you anything, You have to work for it and take what your given, Remember that you aren't given anything that you weren't meant to handle