when i was little my christian parents would tell me not to be scared of the thunder because it was only god moving furniture around making room for me in heaven
they told me that the lightning was only angels accidentally dropping pieces of gold to earth sometimes i would sit outside with an umbrella hoping a piece of gold would fall on our driveway
but angels don't exist and neither does god and the thunder is only echoes of the lightning and the lightning is only columns of electrons at approximately fifty thousand degrees fahrenheit vibrating the surrounding air like a tubular drum causing the sound of thunder
i won't ever forget their reactions when i told them i didn't believe anymore my grandmother gave me a bible the following christmas but i sold it to a used book store the next week and i used the money to buy a pack of cigarettes
i remember that day well because there was a thunderstorm but it was probably just god moving my furniture back to how it was because he knows i won't be getting into heaven anytime soon