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Jul 2021
the confirmation
of the already known.

The cementing of your love,
your own vivid blizzard
of it,

multi-sided shape
birthed from the collision,
theatre of hearts

that followed.
Now the premiere
of a new novel,

pages snow-white
to be set alight
by your shared language,

chapters written
by no other half,
but your whole.
Written: February 2020/July 2021.
Explanation: A poem written for my brother's wedding on 27th July 2021. The piece was written before the pandemic caused major problems, so only recently (as I type) was the poem completed/modified. I read the poem aloud at the event.
Writing has been very slow this year but I hope to improve matters soon.
Reece AJ Chambers
Written by
Reece AJ Chambers  31/M/Northamptonshire, England
(31/M/Northamptonshire, England)   
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