Locked up tight, like i would never feel again Terrified, And all those selfish hands always wanting more, So young when the pain had begun Now forever afraid of being loved I was left to fend on my own, Im damaged goods and Ive made so many mistakes that cant be undone, What happened to the image of being strong Was I wrong? Was love never the book i was meant to read. It got to where they would cut me to watch me bleed, I was weak and it was inescapable. And the disney movies never tell what happens after the credits roll Maybe thats my cue to just let go. There's only so many minutes left before i ultimately drown, There's no other way im going down but in the same shame i began with Let alone, with no love the way i started this Dying, unwanted, decaying on my own, Ive been brusied and broken , left used and choking I know ill never fall again, I cant escape this fate My life is meant for heartache