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Jul 2021
" The Politics of Things "...
Affects How We LIVE... !!!
And Is FULL of TRICKS...
And Things That STING... !!!
The... Average Joe...
Trying To Make A Living... !!!
Because It’s Corporate Kings...
Who Have STRONG Links...
To These Political Leaders...
Deceivers And Schemers...
Whose Teams And... “ Schemes “...
Move Like... DODGY Car Dealers... !!!
Dealing In MEANNESS... !!!
And Movements INCREASING...
Societal BLEAKNESS.....
So What Does It Mean...
To Be A Conservative... ???
Well These Days I Think...
That It’s Hard To Believe...
In Conservative Peeps’... !!!
Whose Conservative Views...
Seem A Little Askew... !!!
When You Look At The Things...
That They NOW Conclude...
As Being... “ Cool “... ?!?
Same *** Type Visions...
Once Placed On... “RESTRICTION”...
Are Now Being Seen...
On Our Televisions...
By Tomorrow’s TEENS...
And VERY YOUNG Children... ?!?
While... “ Conservatism’s “...
CLEARLY Linked To RACISM... !!!
When Views He Be Spitting...
Leaves Immigrants Seeing...
NO RESPECT For Their Being... !?!
Republican Thinking...
Has Things Now Linking...
Themselves To Democrats...
Who When You Backtrack....
Had Thinking That Sat...
On... Political Tracks...

NOT So Far Removed...
From Those NOW IN VIEW... !!!
Political Coups....
Are Used To Confuse... ?!?
So Who Do You Choose... ???
Liberal, Republican Or Democrat... ???
It’s Time People REALISED...
That They’re From The SAME PACK... !!!
Where Jack AIN’T Black... !!!!!
But Now Of Course Political Skins...
Have Changed A.... Lil’ BIT...
In A Time Where THE RIGHT...
..... Is On The RISE.....
… You’ll Find DARK Skins...
Now Sitting With Todays’ FASCISTS...
As If Their Links Will STOP Racist Things... ?!?
Well Just Look At The Brits'...
Black Folks Seemed STUNNED....
When Immigrants From The Ship...
..........  “ WINDRUSH “..........
Faced Being Treated...
As If They Didn’t EXIST... !?!
So Were Told To GO HOME...
Cos’ They’re NOT British... !!!!!!
These Black Politicians...
Did EXACTLY... WHAT... ???
Well About As Much...
As A Ku Klux Son...
Whose United Kingdom...
Treats Blacks Like ****... !!!!!
... Running Their Gums...
After Deals Had Been Done... !!!
As If Their WORDS...
Could REVERSE The HURT... ?!?
That Their COLLEAGUES Inflicted...
On... INNOCENT Victims... !!!
But That’s The Politics of Things...
Right Across Europe Even To BRAZIL...
Where Right Wing Vibes...
Are Starting To... “ CHILL “...
The Minds of Tribes...
Who Thought Good Will...
Was Part of Life...
On... Foreign Coastlines... !!!
But Colonial Types...
Still Ride Waves... HIGH... !!!!!
And Still DON’T Like...
To See MIGRANT Types...
Living By Their Side...
Especially When They’re Doing ALRIGHT...
And Actually Have...
MORE THAN The Whites... !!!
Who Be Acting Like...
ALL We’ve Done Is INCREASE Crime...
And Have A NEGATIVE IMPACT On Their Lives... !?!
One Has To Wonder WHY...... ???
Are They CRAZY...
Or Maybe Just Maybe... ???
They’re Mentally LAZY...
And Physically TOO... !!!
To STILL Hold Views...
That Politicians USE... !!!
AWAY From... The TRUTH... !!!!!
That Their Politics...
Only Serves... “The Few“... !!!
Yup They And Their Friends...  
At The Masses EXPENSE... !!!
Cos’ Political Figures...
Are Basically TRICKSTERS...
Like Builders Whose Fixtures...
Fall Apart With QUICKNESS... !!!
So Let Me Now END This... !!!
By Saying Politicians... !!!
Are The Ones Who Spread SICKNESS... !!!
Because of Their Business...
That Deals in CORRUPTION...
And SEPARATIST Functions...
That DEFINE How LOW...
They’re Willing To Go... !!!!!!
To Retain CONTROL...
of What They Enlist...
That We NEED To DISMISS....... !!!

Which Is Simply... THIS...
... “ The Politics Of Things “... !!!!!
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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