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Jul 2021
Now Within Life’s Selections...
There Are Misdirections...
From Which You Need To Give...
Yourself... Good PROTECTION... !!!
Because Much That Is Said...
And Presented To Heads...
So Don’t Just Ingest...
What People Present...
As Being What’s Correct... !!!
So Check Who You're Sexing...
Because Misdirections...
Can Lead You To TENSIONS...
Relationship PRESSURES...
I Suggest That You CHECK...
And Then DOUBLE CHECK... !!!
... Historical Texts...
And What People Express...
Within Their Arguments... !!!
From Things Like Enslavement...
To Who You Call... FRIENDS...
SECRET... Experiments...
And The News That We’re Fed...
Oh And DON’T You FORGET...
About Our GOVERNMENTS... !!!
Because Time And Again...
They Clearly MISDIRECT...
WHATEVER Their Sect...
Or Agendas They Set... !!!
From The Smallest of Things...
To The BIGGEST of Grifts...
... Misdirections STING... !!!!!
If You Do NOT THINK...
About How Things Are Linked...
People Say A GREAT Deal...
That Just... ISN’T Real... !!!
Misdirections STEAL... !!!
As Well As Conceal...
The Truth To Maintain...
Falsehoods That Remain...
That Enslave Mind States...
And Keep People Restrained...
In Ways That Cause PAIN...
And DAMAGE To Brains... !!!
They DENIGRATE Names...
Who Won't Go Their Way...
So Make People Act Strange...
And Then Shift Their Shape...
Just Like New Gender Traits... ?!?
These Are Just A Few Ways...
Misdirections Now Sway...
And Affect Heads TODAY... !!!
Misdirections Shroud...
The World With Much Doubt...
And Are Now Used By Mouths...
To Leave People CLOWNED...
And To Make Them FROWN...
When Things In The World...
Are Turned UPSIDE DOWN... !!!
Like This Need For Protection...
Against... BAD INFECTIONS... !!!
From This Corona Thing... ?!?
That’s Been Quickly Spreading...
When You Take Time To THINK...
About Where We’re Heading...
MORE Than We’re PROTECTED... !?!
By Those Now Selected...
To Choose The Direction...
That’s Best For INVESTMENT...
AHEAD of Collections...
of... BETTER Directives...
Than Those We've Been Getting...
For THOUSANDS of Years... !!!
To Those Who Are JEERED...
For What They Have Cleared...
As Being... Directions...
That Lead To Ascensions...  
For Human Progression...
Or Is That REGRESSION... ?!?
This Poem Is Sending...
A VERY CLEAR Message... !!!
Will All This Pretension...
That’s Been Spread To Nations...
Through INCORRECT Lessons... !!!
From Names I WON'T Mention... !!!
When It Comes To INJECTIONS...
And New Tech Inventions...
As Well As Investments...
Through CASHLESS Inceptions... ?!?
The Dangers Are ENDLESS...
If You Are NOT Vested...
In Keeping Your Interests...
And Health WELL PROTECTED... !!!
From Modern Day Spreaders...
of Things That Need CHECKING...
That May Be... ?!?
It's clear that many have been used throughout history, so this poem merely suggests that it's wise to try to avoid being deceived by one.
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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