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Jul 2021
Now This Piece Is Most Likely...
NOT For The Flighty...
Who DON’T Act WISELY... !!!
In These Crazy Times...
Folks Need To Be WISE...
In The Things They Decide...
Will Be What Invites...
.... Positive Vibes....
That Will Uplift Their Lives...
And Choose To Be WISE...
BEFORE Starting Fights...
And Dropping SNIDE Lines...
Or Those That Preside...
Over Seeing What’s RIGHT... !!!
Cos’ A Guy Said That I...
Make Moves Like I’m MAD... !!!
But A Rasta' Walked By...
Who Knows BETTER Than THAT... !!!
... Quickly Replied...
Having Pulled To One Side...
This Guy With Loose Lips...
To Just Let Him Know QUICK... !!!
“You should keep
your lips ZIPPED,
when it comes to him !
cos’ he's a brother who Thinks,
and has righteous vibes,
cos’ he’s a SERIOUS Guy !
So, watch your mouth,
until you know who you’re talking about !”
Now The Guy Running Chat...
Was Quick To Draw Back...
And Then Apologised...
Which Clearly Was Wise...
But He DIDN'T Move Wisely...
Before He Was Lightly...
Told About How I Might...
Have Let Being Wise DIE... !!!
If My Ears Had EVER Heard...
His... UNFOUNDED Words... !!!
So You See That This Verse...
Also Shows That Big Virge...
Doesn’t Claim To Be Wise...
I Just Right Truthful Rhymes...
About Things In My Life...
That Have Fed My Eyes...
Soul Body And Mind... !!!
So Now When I’m Writing...
I’m Doing So WISELY... !!!
Well I’m Certainly TRYING...
By Writing... PRECISELY...
About My Life’s Sightings... !!!
Conversations And Relations...
With... Different Faces...
And Yes I Mean Races...
DIFFERENT To Mine... !!!
Cos I Don’t Think It’s Wise...
To Divide And Ostracise...
Because That Sounds Like..
The Type of Vibes...
That Come From The Minds...
of SUPREMACIST Tribes... !!!
Who DON’T Move Wisely...
Cos Their Too Busy Fighting...
Back Biting And Delighting...
In Seeing Man DYING... !?!
Now Those Words Speak Concisely...
About Our Dividing...
In Ways That Are TIRING... !!!
When Simply UNITING...
Might Leave Killers RETIRING...
Because of Recognising...
That To... UNIFY...
And Let Anger Subside...
Might Help Them To SMILE...
And Find A BETTER Life...
Than Those That Take Lives... !!!
Another Line...
That Has MULTIPLE Levels... !!!
Because It’s One That Revels...
In... Questioning Minds...
About Their War Crimes...
ALL Colour Types And Violent Tribes...
From Those In The Streets...
To Those In Armies...
What Do You Achieve...
By Using Weaponry... ?!?
To Prove That You’re WHAT...
Some Kind of WAR GOD... ?!?
Does That Not Seem WRONG... ?
Or Mistakenly Bombed... !?!
I Guess It’s Just ME...
Who Doesn’t Believe...
That’s The Way We Should Be... !!!
... Agree To Disagree...
Jealousy And Envy...
Corruption And Greed... !!!
There’s So Much I Could Say...
In This Piece of Wordplay...
But That’s It For Today...
But To End I Will Say... !!!
That From Running Your Gums...
To... New Age Kingdoms...
These Words That I’m Writing...
Because What They’re Inviting...
Is People To... Move RIGHTLY...
With EXQUISITE Timing... !!!
And Just Like This Rhyming...
Use Our Minds To......
REALLY Choose.....
........... “ WISELY “........
Inspired by two things, the word, wisely, and the incident relayed to me, by the same Rasta' mentioned in the poem, but it came out quite nicely.....

Enjoy and REMEMBER, to now think...
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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