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Jul 2021
She taught me how to feel
how to trust
how to love
how to be happy
Showed me I could be worth love
She loved me unconditionally
The little things in life are so much bigger than we
Words can truly never describe reality
My mind is my prison
My subconscious my warden
Shoulda woulda coulda
Is what im left with
Full of regret
I will never regret her
She is an absolute angel
Bless her heart
She was a gift from god
So perfect that I thought there had to be a catch
But I was wrong
All I did was hurt her
That was my thanks
For her loving me
My true best friend
I sometimes wished I was never born
But now I only wish for her
Life without her seems unbearable
I guess thats the price I must pay
For I dug the grave
I must lay
Because when you love someone
You set her free
Written by
Jake  23/M/Canada
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