i whimper and struggle underneath the weight of a full-scale massacre won’t my world ever be the same? won’t my consciousness refuse to wake in the face of such… tragedy? cross-hatch the heavens seal shut the gate as he looks out upon me, out past the closing door his eyelid like a tiny boat. it is with a ballad in its might that i both see and feel this goodbye, to my others, it bolsters itself to the light of the sun and the grief that tears through me is another entity. it has outweighed the sound of nails against board it has outweighed illness, and the tiresome conversation of hope it has outweighed many days lost at sea outweighed the great loss of a person outweighed the equal and greater gain of another outweighed the potential of life it has outweighed its shortcomings every-thing, as it is, has been diminished as an ember. yet the fire rages on, embellished and doted and needed labored upon. and i, i do not dream of labor.