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Aug 2013
I try SO hard to
talk to you

People say you're very busy
People say you're studying
People say you're tired

Yes i accept all that

I use ellipsis
Maybe you will try to guess how i am feeling
I guess i am wrong

I tried an ENTIRE month
Messaged you
Tried to make you laugh
It continued
that moment

it just Vanished
Simply vanished into the clear blue sky

I really just hope
One day
will take the initiative
to maybe, talk to me

Is that really too much to ask for?
After i have initiated the conversation for an entire month?

I really don't know
I really want to keep up this friendship
We won't be in the same class
And i have this feeling
This dangerous feeling

that if i don't salvage this friendship
then it will just die and rot like a log
The Unknown girl
Written by
The Unknown girl
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