I wonder if I will ever fill the hole The hole that I feel sometimes The one that I always think I should fill Whenever I feel it
When I do try to fill it I never really know for sure What I’m supposed to fill it with I’ve tried many things
On rare occasions I think Hey … that hole filled up a little bit And then … the hole remains
Now I’m starting to think Maybe the hole is supposed to be there Just like it is Whenever it is
Like an itch I can’t scratch Something in me is programmed to fill the hole I’m thinking again … maybe the hole is supposed to be there Just like it is Whenever it is
Maybe it’s the hole That drives us to our dreams Maybe it’s the hole That is our muse Maybe it’s the hole Where compassion lives Maybe it’s the hole Where creativity grows Maybe it’s the hole Where understanding walks Maybe it’s the hole Where knowledge hides Maybe it’s the hole Where love resides
Maybe the hole Is supposed to be there Just like it is Whenever it is Maybe the hole Can’t be filled Maybe the hole ... is whole
P.S... Someone close to me, when I read this poem to her, said when she heard it she kept thinking I was saying "whole" every time I said 'hole". I thought, hey that's pretty cool ... it works although it comes from a different place. Very Cosmic!