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Aug 2013
my dear darling.
is such a simple word,
and yet it's all I long to say to you because--
"I love you" and
                                              "you're ****"  and
                                                                                               "you're magnificent" and
          I long for you every night
          as I try to fill a bed meant for two--
would all sound so much better if proceeded by that one simple syllable:
my love.
my sweet.
my lust.
my lovely little fire-born lion.
would mean that you were here.
Pleasantly partaking in the simple nighttime pleasures that this world takes for granted.

A kiss.
                      A stolen stare.
                                                                                         A spot of sleep.
The kind that is often searched for but rarely found.
Invisible to all except those who whisk and mix their lust with love.
is what my lips say to yours as they part them
while you sleep.
I want to see the crackle of electric life surge into your eyes.
I am addicted
to your recognition,
                                   and the moment between sleep and awake
                                                                                                              when you learn my face anew.
My soul surges when I see again how much I mean to you.

Those limpid pools of soft cerulean, lit by diamond light. Artemis bathing in her own moonshine.
The sun and skies and stars above all rejoice to see your face.
They live to light upon beauty such as yours.

Your soul awakens through the oval opening of those brilliant blues,
burning bright with love and light and longing
and all I can think is--


Ebullient bubbles of heartsong and heat,
bursting through the chilly oceans of the night
of the soul
of the darkness which almost swallowed me whole.

Your love is a light which puts the stars
in pale comparison.
I refuse to live without it.
I was not meant to weather the nights without your radiance.

Take your zest, your zeal, your life, your spice,
and bring it here.

Your light is one I do not mean to miss.
John Carpentier
Written by
John Carpentier  United States
(United States)   
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