The soul must be a tuning fork, for the pandemic flit past in a vibration. Then all is still when the light gets the eyes and the heart can define radiance, simply in the clarity of lines and form.
The poetry of pathos is an epic elegy, and of happiness, a paean to a heart beat. A hive mind stilled to a limpid pool of reflection, and a pall lifts, like the sun rises on glass held in bezels of steel, on girders of strength.
Adored, blessed, loved, as clear as the day is green. Time can be a blur in a cloudy soul catharsis but the blue is simply sky, and a warm heart's the colour of light. Structure has wheels that are meant to turn.
t is based on the Vessel and the structures around it. The Vessel, that looks like a beehive, is an interactive artwork in New York City, that was imagined by Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio. It is Comprised of 154 intricately interconnecting flights of stairs, almost 2,500 individual steps and 80 landings(~