THE WORLD STIR (Bijoylakshmi Das) When healing drops of Heaven’s elixir Drop down upon Earth, Beauty speaks of Delight of Being And Brown breathes an exhilratingmirth; Let the sublime silence of the sky Meet not the furore of the miry filth, And let night go without end Though darkness seems to exist. A serene tranquility trembles within the Tremulous expanse of the occult space, An iodolon of ecstasy soon Retraces its long lost forgotten steps; The nascent air is now vibrant with The message of the incommunicable breeze, An illimitable joy from the Kingdom of Bliss Seeks its spectacular release. The solitary clairvoyant writes His message in inaccessible heights, The memory’s archive soon opens Its pages of formidable foresight; The desolate despondency is in the soul within Still, there is magnificent melancholy rapture-clad, The lightening freedom bares its ***** To make the lone explorer extravagantlymad. The miracle of mystery unfolds the secrecy Of the unlocked chapter of the divine play, The inner audience is the only witness The appeal of the Ineffable opens its doorway, The effulgence of a thousand suns Emerges from the abysmal darkness’ depth, The moonlit marvel raises alarm Alas! Ony the stars are wide awake! It is only in the awakening of your Soul, The illusory world game disappears In the purest Consciousness Beyond Body, Mind and Spirit In an enlightening Wisdom You do reach the supreme human Goal. (Dated 9th June 2021)