What good is the truth and the rawness of soul when the deaf one's the one that I'm telling? I'm speaking now, not for you, not for them, but for me I want to end the short circuit that has trained my mind to be Malfunctioning from the start of thoughts, and breaking at the fore Of every single thing I've thought, as it happens, there's a score Of thoughts befitting every kind of fiend that walks this earth And yes, there are those other thoughts, as pure as babe at birth But negative will always win while stroking little bearded chin he gently breaks the chords within I can no longer see the light the dark will outshine every bright beginning to tell me what's right It doesn't matter, nothing matters Reality, the choice I once had Stolen Now I'm confined with the rest of my thoughts To battle it out in my skull Will I win? Who knows? Who cares? If I had the answer, I wouldn't be concerned Who poured all the chocolate syrup on the floor? There isn't any more My chocolate syrup, rich and dark Like blood to my lips, life-fufilling Never spilling There isn't any more
Let me smile for one last time Before I take the fatal climb Up the side of this house Twenty stories won't **** a mouse Says physics, but it's alright 'cause A mouse I fortunately never was