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Aug 2013
She stood here among blades of grass;
beautiful under the sun
and even when the raindrops
weigh heavy on her petals,
she has enough strength
to hold herself up.

She was always facing towards
the white picket fence,
where she could hear and see
the strides of shoes and rolls of wheels.
But no matter how many people pass by,
no one seemed to notice her there;
small and insecure.

So she lived her life wishing
she was brighter and prettier,
maybe taller
so she could look over the fence
and shout,
"Hey! I'm here! I exist! Notice me!"

But little did she know that behind her,
stood a flower who have always
admired her from a distance.
Though he couldn't get up and walk to her,
see her face and feel her heart,
he knew she lacked confidence and needed love.

He wanted so much to run to her,
but he couldn't defy nature
and grow legs and arms
to reach out and hold her close.
So he stays still and whispers to the wind
a message for her:
"I've loved you since the very first day
and I wish it was so easy to be with you."
But it never reached her, she never listened.

Three years passed and nothing has changed -
he loved her, she felt unworthy and never noticed him.
Until came the day he feared most;
she began to wilt.
She couldn't hold herself any longer
and wanted to go.
So she let her roots dry and her petals turned brown.

There was never a day he didn't cry
because even now the sun can't wake her.
And there was never a day he didn't wish he could also
begin to wilt so he could join
her soft remnants
somewhere up in the sky.
Theia Eos
Written by
Theia Eos
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