. it's crazy to fall for something so pure, it feels unreal. . People all around us seem to sink so deep trying to right their wrongs They all be living in a blur . It's hard to educate them harder to have the education and be around them . We've started to leave our past and our present We're living in the then Back then when things were real Back when people were human Back when generosity was not a favour Back when what we see was all we see Back when there was a heavenly earth 'Back when' is so back, it makes us sad . We were never true believers We were never looking to be one But when it happened, The world felt silly When our hearts turned The world for us turned forever When we learnt the truth We started, living in the then . No nobody's worth Dreaming of all for nobody knows all Yes it took a while There was a struggle Cutting down the list, Making time for it, Real slow, We grew into a school of truth . In this house of broken hearts We made our hearts of shields too hard And yes we are trying to hold on tight. Cause yes we know this love is hard to find . It's like heaven when we're in hell We're some here but all there So we fake a smile Cause it's alright When the time comes, We'll win . Caught in the moment Why do we love this feeling? We don't know where this leads But that's the only question. For now maybe, we'll just keep holding tight. . We're living in the then, And it's beautiful. We're curious , But it's fine. We'll wait. But until it's here, we'll live in then.