How many people saw an apple drop before Newton? And probably named it something else... Like "blaaaah"? Who came up with the idea of wishing upon a shooting star? Another man Another scar Forever visible, on the skin of an independant thinker? Man made idieologies, either complimenting Or supressing personalities Do not let education ruin your originality Do not Be ****** into mob psychology Like dogs Pick that which is beneficial to you To the rest Yes, be skeptic Not everything they teach is true An education is one of the most important things a man can do I mean 'can get' See? Right there? I messed with you And turned a fact into a much more ineresting read I owe that to being educated Also to the fact that I think out of the box These words, I don't 'write' I 'feel', I 'bleed' Education is overrated, and at the same time underappreciated Makes no sense? Indeed It's not supposed to I'm just saying that I'm not opposed to The idea of learning something new As long as it is something you want to do Or something beneficial to you At the same time, not everything they tell you is true Self education is more of what I do These days Change these ways, the system put in place Stay intelligent Mind's independantly placed Knowledge, creativity, confidence... straight face I call it 'streetelligent'.