hold my hand, and i'll hold yours. listen to all of the doors as they close and never open for us again they dont understand why i hold your hand. not just because i love you but because there are so few that truly knew what you've been through. i hold your fingers tightly, while your eyes linger above me. you watch as i admire you dont realize your look; i'd never tire. but there is one thing. and one thing only. you see the beauty in me, while i see the beauty in you. but you still arent happy. you still cant see how beautiful you are to me. perfect eyes of blue. even the way you chew. your smile so bright. the way squirrels give you a fright. your early morning hair. the way you are so unaware of the way you hum when you strum your guitar. what a musician you've become. your one bright green bow tie. and how you hate goodbyes. your arms, so gentle & inviting are things i think about when i'm writing. so if i cant find the beauty in you, why cant you do the same too? i want you to heal. i want you to recover. i want just you and me to discover the beauty in each other. when you cry and say you want to die, i dont scream, i dont panic, i hold you close and tell you i love you the most. i say, "you are more beautiful then you know. so please,please, dont go." a kiss goodnight that promises both he and i will see the morning light.