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May 2021
I'm weary from fighting please let it end
We need a ceasefire for our hearts to mend
I'll wave a white flag to lighten our load
And finally, admit it's the end of our road.

That road once was smooth, a pleasure to walk
But now we can see we have come to a fork
Which way do we turn? Is it left is it right?
Whichever we choose its the end of our fight.

When did we stop caring when did the love die?
It seems like it happened in the blink of an eye
We used to embrace and kiss under the stars
Now we are hurting with our battle scars.

I hope we'll look back on these hopeless years
And remember the joy and forget all the tears
We'll count all the blessings that we were bestowed
Before we approached the end of our road.
Written by
Tuesday Grace  F/Gozo
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