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May 2021
The violin strings brushed softly against her cold fingertips, as with the cold October morning, her breath was frosted and the slick of her dress, danced merrily with the breeze, soothing the small children, who gathered near. She smiled. Brushing her fingertips up and down those silver strings, as the hum of the songbird's lullaby, possessed her spirit, taking her away with diamonds, and jewels. The mocking-jay accompanied her lullaby, sweeping peacefully back and fourth, where it stood, to the left of her shoulder. Let the soothing melodies lay a kiss upon your forehead, with the falling stream of blue and silver. Let the rain sing you a lullaby, as you wash away with a songbird's peaceful melody.

Within a memory, your voice will forever live on, just buried within the shell of a songbird's eternal song, as fields of grass, and daisies collect your harmony.
Written by
Alex  19/F/Canada
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