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Aug 2013
The nightmares won't stop, as I'm crying and pulling at my hair.
I'm ******* dying from the inside out. And nobody knows, that's my worst fear.
I roll over and he wakes me up, "you had a bad dream" and I curl up again.
If only they knew, they aren't dreams but memories.
My wings were clipped at a young age and now I'm struggling to fly with nothing.
They took everything sacred and all I hear are screams.
They never cease, they keep me up all night.
To just fall asleep is always a fight.
I was never sober for a reason, now I'm paying the toll.
I'm fighting this war, I need to take back control.
Sin like cigarettes, fuming in the room. The smoke rolls in and eyes roll back.
It's always the same tune. Lie to me, lie to me.
Say you're coming back to us! I'm so easy to believe in the love you lack.
Cry to me, cry to me. Those tears of betrayal, no you never run out.
Play circus with our hearts, oh where's your ring of fire?
Is it the one you wear on your finger even though you know you don't deserve it.
Bleed for me, cry for yourself,  break your promises to little ones who never doubt.
Ruin our home, you've been doing it from the start.
Haunt my nights with your terrifying screams.
I'll hold back the gun and you can prey on our hearts.
Promise you're changing and take away your own dignity.
I've masked you for too long, I won't cover up your sins.
Let the whole world know, I won't worry, your favorite sins will do you in.

Taste that cigarette, I hope it gets you high.
Cause you when you wake up, you'll be alone drowning in a fight you created.
I couldn't sleep, I rolled around for hours. And when I woke up from the nightmares, I'll laid close to him again and wept. I hope it stops, but until then, I write.
Brittany Jackson
Written by
Brittany Jackson  TX
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