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May 2021
I am having such a hard time.
My life is young and I have decades to decide
How I exactly want my life.
But I cannot imagine my life past today.
I can only imagine my life this way.

I cannot imagine myself with grey hairs.
I cannot imagine my husband and children in my house.
I cannot even imagine the house we would call home.
I cannot answer the typical questions:
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
Logically I know that I would be graduated.
I would be married by then,
And even living with my husband.
Yet my answer is "just like I am today."

I cannot see, imagine, or fathom my life after today.
Yet I have always planned for it anyway.
My future is so unclear to me
And so thank you, for seeing me in yours.
Quarter-life crises are where it's at
Alexis K
Written by
Alexis K  22/F/Drowning Somewhere Near
(22/F/Drowning Somewhere Near)   
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