On April 10th, 1846 on the ship Devonshire from Liverpool, one Catherine McCarty, age 17 arrived in New York during times most cruel. She made this long journey to escape the famine occurring in her native Ireland. We don't know if she arrived alone or with family or whether she was married or accompanied with a boyfriend. The passenger arrival manifest has her listed a servant as the occupation she did. Based only on her age and her name, many historians have speculated and proclaimed that she's the mother of BILLY the Kid. Billy's mother died on September 16th in the year of 1874. She was 45 years old according to her obituary. Combine the above information and we know one thing for sure. Immigrant Catherine shared the same age and name as did the true mother of Billy. It seems that due to health reasons, Catherine McCarty's life had gone onto searching for dryer climate out west as a single mother of two. One of her sons would live a full life and then fade into obscurity. Her other son would die very young and become one of the greatest legends to ever be. No one knows anything about the boys' father or whether they shared the same one. Did he/they die or abandon the family? Your guess is as good as anyone's. Catherine was a strong, independent, gregarious lass whom everyone seemed to like and enjoy very dearly. She earned a living selling baked goods to customers she had amassed and by also doing much of the neighborhood's ***** laundry. She also dabbled in real estate, purchasing what little property she could afford, and to earn extra income she'd often open the door to her home and welcome all those willing to pay room and board. It was clearly shown that she could take on the responsibility alone, as far as providing and caring for her boys. When she wasn't earning employment, she'd occasionally indulge in the enjoyment that every good, loving mother enjoys. After schooling her children, she'd take them to local dances where she was known to be one of the grandest dancers on the dance floor, but of all the dance partners she'd dance with there was always one she could never resist and he'd want to dance with her more and more. "Of all my dance partners," she told him one night, "you are my favorite one." To see her lovingly gaze into his eyes, it certainly would come as no surprise to learn that William Henry was Catherine McCarty's favored son.