Forgive me My father For not Praying every single Night for you Before I go to bed I am always tired At night So I never feel like Praying to you And you also punish me Every single night For not praying to you Yes father I should also Live by you rules That you made for me Father I know that you Are very restricted when it Comes to you rules Yes father I will try To change my habits And make some time For you during the night To start praying to you I am not lying to you now I am telling you the truth My father Because lies wonβt get me anywhere Also father you are the one Who had made me with you Holy hands And placed me to live here on earth So I am you son We have a good relationship Like father and son We donβt want destroy our relationship We want to work ******* our relationship Father today I am a grown up men And you also gave me lots of freedom For me to live my life the way I want