anxiety is like yarn if you use the stress well you can make a beautiful scarf but for me i can’t knit, crochet or macrame my yarn gets knots and bumps gets unwound until it is a mess that doesn’t even look like yarn
that horrible breathless feeling changes me it starts in my gut and feels like the buzz of a hundred fireflies i become panicked not myself and my alter ego takes over
alter-me is rude, crass, and bossy the lack of control over the yarn knots it tighter and tighter spiralling down down down
looking up from the pit a light shines reminds me there’s hope but like being trapped in a hole you have to climb out on your own
maybe that’s why i’ve always been alone i’m used to being my own hero i’m no princess in a tower her prince galloping to her side i build my own ladder one rung at a time and save myself