The coffee has gone cold already, a layer of cream silently settling itself, just as I settle myself in a corner, silently... a book between my thumb and forefinger, but I'm not reading. The sun has set long back, maybe some two hours back and I realize that by the darkening room. Somehow, even the darkened room is a sort of comfort, a solace. I keep staring at the clock in a fix. The handles never move, it lays still just like the thumping of my heart, which feels numb after all this time. Paulo Coelho screams from the paperback which I hold a tad bit too tightly scared of letting go of one more aspect. He tells me of the Zahir and makes me realize once more that I lost my Zahir. I feel myself moving unwittingly to my desk gulping down the coffee in a go and taking out my diary, I scribble something that's incomprehensible, even to me... "The world isn't a wish granting factory " The poster screams at me from across the wall. I nod with a heavy heart, "But we all wish it was, don't we?"