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May 2021
They say, things change,
people change but life goes on.
But you, you never changed.
Your streets are still lined
with the same memories,
getaways and pranks.

Grandma still narrates the same tales,
sitting on the same cane chair,
in the same garden, in the same house
where I grew up.
It's as if time never
laid it's hands on you.
That café still stands with
a dozen memories to recount.
That hilltop that I so loved,
is still there, forested as ever.
The waterfall makes the same sound
as it did years back...
when we went picnicking.
As I stand here, I seem to have changed,
I become once again, that little girl
who liked to pick shreds of glinting mica,
from the streets.... "You" are far, yet so close.
Distant yet, you are home.
You are the city with the river,
The city that gave me a forever.
Ananya Dubey
Written by
Ananya Dubey  18/F/New Delhi, India
(18/F/New Delhi, India)   
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