it used to flow like a river in july so tempting it made you quiver i thought it would be like riding a bike you can’t just forget how to do it muscle memory has to play its part at some point but the familiarity of loving you left me so long ago and it took that passion with it
and i have felt loves far deeper than the one you drenched me in i know now the line of fantasy and reality but i still get my wires crossed
i’m the abandoned building on the side of the road growing weeds that look like flowers. nobody knows it’s story and nobody cares to ask because it’s just a rest stop at most. it’s a place to smoke. a place to destroy when you are angry. i am the bottom of a swimming pool my biggest cameo is an indie rock song singing along to the lyrics that used to consume you. wondering if she still wonders. hoping that she does.
i am the metaphor, all too literally. a mirror. a vessel. a burnt orange sky. i am the answer in front of you that you will never really see because you never really tried.