Petals fell and floated in the periphery of his awareness Punctuated only by the suns patterned sabbatical from the adulation of the city streets and it's blissful nomads. Gradually it would return in season An undercurrent of mechanical drone resurrected the daydreamer from his quiescent musings From his sidewalk monastery he observed the passing urban crawl like one who keeps vigil over the dead With the stoicism of a fisherman the lolling stream carried the bustle beyond even his cast net of sardonic speculation His line of consciousness being temporarily tugged by a branch's ballet in the sunlight, hieroglyphics hidden in a line of brick, or the sparrows who sang deep but happy secrets Theirs were acts of beauty hidden only by the world's unwillingness to see them He was content like this To be irretrievably lost within the labyrinth of his own thoughts He felt he was a hermit The keeper of a long forgotten secret A mime who's silent art was solitude It was almost comical wasn't it? The figure a cold stone gargoyle atop his palisade Scowling at the street below At flower petal Charybdis and screeching Scylla His odyssey internal and unknown to passers-by Save for what could be conveyed by the cigarettes' soliloquy The clown allowed himself to be swept away by philosophical inquisition and poetic sophistry What persisted was the wish that it was quieter That for an afternoon he could be spared the automobiles He took another drag and tried to find solace One of the metal demiurges parked portside of his wrought iron Quebec, and he noted the petals caught in the grooves of the wheel Some held on amidst the ambulation Others fell the fall of mortally wounded heroes and where caressed by the whispering air He speculated that perhaps truth and love and beauty could be like these They were supple beings of nature, or monoliths who inspired awe with their mystery The modern world would keep them like relics of a former time It would permit them to exist so long as they did not impede progress They were relegated to the status of a ****** or an indentured servant Even their necessary and incumbent pulchritude seemed sapped from them Like a diadem above a trash heap A gold ring in a pigs snout They could for a brief moment decorate the vehicles, the sidewalks, dryad like in his own mop of hair They may even be carried along by them Until duty to the god of utility would shirk them off They could not be allowed to stop the hymn to immolation which emanated from the streets Lest they give respite to the crusade of endless noise These foreign gods denied their creation the temptation to joy and inward reflection The punishment for this was metropolitan purgatory The two drachmae owed the ferryman were harmony and patience So it goes What goodness could come from all this hum drum What great acts of love, beauty, or courage could brunch inspire in these terrestrial wanderers It was hard to imagine Gilgamesh as a bartender, even harder to posit Jesus as a CEO It was time to go His own impending appointment resuscitated him from his afternoon of little death He left the cafe and walked blissfully fettered unto new distractions