We grew up believing that no one would ever fall in love with us. And so, to this day, I let people in too easily. I let people do as they wish, make me hurt, make me cry... All because I want people to be pleased with me.
Which is why on Monday, when the sky was crying, She felt obligated to invite me to her house And so, on Monday, I was crying, Because I felt obligated to sneak off, quiet as a mouse.
I didn’t want to go But I didn’t say no Because if I said no, Where would she go?
To this day, I believe in the moon Because the moon is all I have The moon is quiet, the moon is calm, And, like me, the moon is sad.
I told the moon I hated her once, In anger and in sadness, And she understood That my broken heart is like a cactus
I’ll let people in quickly, And I’ll cry when they’re gone I’ll cry when everyone leaves Like when the moon leaves at dawn
But it happens, It’s alright, She’ll be back Again tonight.