The first is relatively easy just get thoughts on the page. I repeat to myself - no past - no future - no pressure - just write.
Coming back can be more challenging to words that flow and stumble down one side and up the other. I reassure myself - it is ok - it will be ok - there is time - just write.
Some poems seem so weighty I don't want to start them or work on them once started. I tell myself that one day will be the right day to work on that poem but for today - just write.
Many days I want to make excuses. I say I just wrote yesterday, or I will write tomorrow, or I will read someone else's poems, but my work is my self and I find my self writing poems, so - just write.
It doesn't have to be right - just write.
I love books about books and poems about poems lol. I like dashes. I like symmetry. I don't rhyme, except at the end of this one I just had to. A bit too expected, but what the heck.
I've commented about wanting to be a better poet and things like rhyme and meter. I will never write in a formal style (I expect), but I do want to make my poems a pleasant reading experience. Some lines just feel so nice when read aloud. I suspect that relates to meter, rhyme, and word choice. I want to keep improving at writing that flows, without focusing on mechanics too much. My poems are about what is on my mind, and there are always things on my mind. I hate writing prompts!