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Jul 2010
Lying there
never so comfortable

The smoking girls
walking towards the car

Holding my left arm
way above my head

I rolled out of the hedge
looking up at long legs

"There's petrol"
I told their thighs

Limping arm aloft, the beetle
also ended wrong-way up.

A wheel span, I dragged
the driver and his girl out

Through window and petrol
to stagger arm aloft to heaven

Those long legged girls
talked me out of my hedge

Again at there feet
paying homage

Operated on,Β Β I am
in a bed without thorns

At night the young nurse
tells me of her Indian life

Girls, now friends visit
telling me about another

They want ***, their
friends want ***

Nightly, a new life
is put-in-hand.

Recovered, whole
I don't make love

Dreaming of thorns
not of girls thighs

There is only ***
with long legged girls
copyrightΒ© 2010
Written by
DJ Thomas
   British Damian and Cory Concha
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