[ ] Christians who will show the might of God and his miraculous Hand through their wealth and who humbly kneel in crowds to render him 100% of all His glory
[ ] This Christians will send send back in their throats , all the insults and moqueries of wealthy people against Christians as a whole
[ ] Christianity stands not for poverty and littleness will the preach in assemblies and everywhere possible when they will have their word on the matter will be asked
[ ] " It's not a Success story " will I porsuie " It's a God Story " Mystery to those who haven't lived it
[ ] Christianity is God saving our wicked , wretched and condemned Heart .Our Money doesn't impress him .It's mud to Him, I speak of God don't look at what men are doing .He who gives it ,doesn't beg it
[ ] Let's be wise for a moment and imagine a potter begging his pottrey a little bit of mud .
We are that Generation don't search anymore , Signed N.N.Honore
I'm back .really happy to be here .it's a sort of home for me , a deep .sharing this God gift with you .is an awesome feeling for me . I don't know much people do loves poetry as you