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Apr 2021
I feel so lost
In this darkness around me
The shadows swallowing me
Like I belong in it

I don't know if it's normal
I don't know if I should panic
I don't know what it means
I don't know what to feel

The moon no where to be seen
The stars no more twinkling
The cool breeze just whispering
The darkness kissing every part of me

Shall I endure the songs it sings?
Shall I cherish the the smile it brings?
Shall I claim the crown it gives?
Or Shall I close my eyes amd dream in it?

I don't know how but
The nights bring something brighter in me
So would you like to join this world of mine
When I extend my hand to take a leap?
Archi shah
Written by
Archi shah  17/F/India
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