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Apr 2021
My eyes narrate a story
My tongue failed to
My eyes were swollen
But my lips smiled at you

Your voice became a nightmare
Your presence, a fear
You gave me a hope
That felt surreal

You understood my silence
Like no one ever did
You made me believe that
You were everything I need

All your tantrums that I had to bear
And all the pain you put me through
In the end I had nowhere else to go
And you knew I would come back to you

But one day I realised
You were fake too
Turned out to be a snake
That you claimed you never would

But now I won't cry anymore
And won't beg you to be with me
'Cause now I have realised that
I can too make myself happy
Archi shah
Written by
Archi shah  17/F/India
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