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Apr 2021
Wondering around in the dark
Seeking an escape through the stars
Licking the wounds and the scars
Barefoot in the tall green grass

Luminous moon up in the sky
Guiding me through lows and highs
Gives me light in the tears of cry
Helping me go through the night

Bruises and scratches all over me
While waking through the thorny fields
Its the pain the one must feel
To stand up high on their feet

Pardon me for the time I take
Learning from my own mistakes
Loving the scars with the pain
Turning around a losing game

This might me a risky ride
But the light is on the other side
With all the struggles and sorrows of night
Led me to the ray of light

Grateful to the moon and stars
Gave me strength in the dark
Helped me made a clear path
Gave my life a needed spark
Archi shah
Written by
Archi shah  17/F/India
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